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English Speaking Forums in Finland
Knowledge from the locals!

IESAF (International English Speakers' Association of Finland) and Finland Forum are both voluntary organisations which share information with people who have interests in Finland, or are moving to the country. They each have large, active memberships, and each deals with topics similar to this site i.e. Moving to Finland, Housing, Jobs, Schooling etc. They both have a strong 'community spirit', and IESAF arranges loads of events as well. Both are completely free.

IESAF, the International English Speakers' Association of Finland

IESAF is a popular and fun non-profit organisation of international English speaking people living in Finland, with about 8,500 members from all over the globe. As well as organising loads of social events, IESAF's Facebook pages are great fora for questions, discussions, networking, and sharing of information.
Website: livinginfinland.com

IESAF on Facebook:
A Taste of Home
Beer Club
Buy & Sell
Knitting Club
Baby & Toddler Group
Tampere Knitting Club
Jobs in Finland

Finland Forum

Finland Forum's members are very helpful - they've been a 'community-minded' gang for years, and feedback to questions is fast, constructive and current. You need to register in order to view and post messages, but registration is free, fast and easy!
Forum Statistics: About 60,000 members and 80,000 topics (November 2019)
Finland Forum: www.finlandforum.org FAQ, Login and Registration at top-right

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