HomeBanking & Finance in FinlandDisputes with Banks in Finland

Disputes with Finnish Banks - Advice & Resolution

Dispute Resolution - Finnish Financial Ombudsman Bureau

In the unfortunate event of a dispute with a Finnish bank, the Finnish Financial Ombudsman Bureau may be able to help. The Financial Ombudsman Bureau is independent of government authorities and Finance Finland. Its services are accessible to private customers, small corporate customers, and comparable others.

The Bureau can advise customers in questions relating to the banking business, such as interpretation of agreements and information about proceedings available to customers when resolving disagreements with the bank. Services of the Financial Ombudsman Bureau are provided free of charge.

When should the Financial Ombudsman Bureau be contacted?

In problem situations customers should first contact their bank directly. If the reply received from the bank is unsatisfactory, the Financial Ombudsman Bureau can be contacted for information on how to effectively approach the bank with their complaint or other issue.

If the customer remains dissatisfied with the bank's reply, the Financial Ombudsman Bureau can be further contacted for information about:

  • Finnish banking legislation
  • the application of the terms of agreement
  • other matters relating to Finnish banking practice

If the customer is not satisfied with the determinations of the Financial Ombudsman Bureau, the Bureau can inform them about further actions to be taken in order to resolve the dispute.

Financial Ombudsman Bureau
Monday to Thursday 10:00 - 16:00
Address: Porkkalankatu 1, FI-00180 Helsinki
Tel: +358 9 6850 120

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